Juxtapositions from the Good Vibe Lounge

A Trilogy

Volume One: The Paradise We Create

Volume One: The Paradise We Create

The saga begins in 1977. Andrew 'Drew' Reubens and Alyona 'Yoyo' Zalenkov are two young teens from dysfunctional, yet diverse families. They are the center of a group of performing arts geeks who's unlikely pairing impacts their friends and family forty years later. The story pivots to 2017 at a celebratory gathering at Andrew's Central Jersey establishment, 'The Good Vibe Lounge' where a curious cluster of his younger generation prompt him, with the aid of old friends to shares and reflects on the humorous, chaotic and romantic coming of age stories of Drew, Yoyo and a host of colorful adolescent characters.

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Volume Two : The Challenges We Endure

Volume Two : The Challenges We Endure

The story continues to be narrated from modern-day reflections. The celebratory weekend in Freepoint and the Good Vibe Lounge engages Viktoria and Chelsea with new revelations regarding the establishment of their family connections. As 1977 ends, Drew and Yoyo set off in very different directions, each now focused on adult journeys that neither are prepared for. Drew must confront his trend to make impulsive decisions, which now threatens to change the course of his entire life. Lost in a sea of indecision, he revisits old habits and rejects opportunities, all leading down a series of bumpy rides to nowhere. Meanwhile, Yoyo's rebellious passions are unveiled, thrusting her into brutal consequences at the hands of her father and his polygamist community. She struggles to escape from submitting to the cultish lifestyle and protect her legacy with Drew from being destroyed. As they journey into the 1980s, both find themselves reconnecting with characters that impacted their lives as children and adolescents. The decade brings new challenges as they seek to reunite, including the most transformative aspects of that decade. This culminates with life-altering showdowns with their respective families. Despite the darkness descending on their lives, hope for the future remains as the chaos gives way to a destiny true to the premise that everything does happen... for a reason.

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Volume Three: The Legacy We Embrace (OCTOBER 11, 2024)

Volume Three: The Legacy We Embrace (OCTOBER 11, 2024)

It's 1983, and Drew and Yoyo have reunited but now face fateful issues that will test the bond of their relationship. Their old lunch clique come together to help work through the decisions that will impact everyone. forever. The story moves on to learn about Corporal Daria Valentova, who reunites with her father, wanting to learn more about his relationship with her mother and reveal the continuing legacy left by the Drew and Yoyo connection. Meanwhile in the modern arc, Chelsea and Viktoria decide to redefine their own family legacies. Andrew and his friends continue reflecting and rebuilding, overcoming regrets and embracing changes as the speculation of everyone's destiny concludes the story.

About Kaycee...
Diversity has been the center of Kaycee Evan’s life. His experiences have spanned from being a Musician, Composer, Actor, and Teacher to working as a Social Services Professional and in the Hospitality Industry.

In the late 1980s, after transitioning to life in the Sunshine State, Kaycee became an activist for local anti-censorship organizations and a public speaker on social justice and homeless issues.

He has authored three stage plays, ‘On the Air,’ ‘Frostproof Blues,’ and ‘But.. Who’s Counting’, the latter serving as the inspiration to author the stories of the Good Vibe Trilogy, his first offering as a novelist.

Born at the tail-end of the Baby Boomers, Kaycee is a Father and Grandfather who has always been amused and taken pride in his diverse interests.

“I can wake up to Jazz, walk the dogs, argue politics, analyze science fiction movies, scream at my Fantasy Football lineup, create a new cocktail and enjoy a bawdy Broadway Musical all in the same day.”

  • Orlando, Florida, United States

Thank you for visiting my webpage. I welcome any inquiries or feedback regarding my novels. Please include any shipping information if requesting a signed copy.

RK Byers

Amazing In It's Effrontery

THIS NOVEL IS NOT… Your Great Grandfather’s Civil War Novel… To quote a lyric from the musical ‘Hamilton’ – It’s “The World Turned Upside Down.” Because everything you know about the people who caused, fought, suffered and died as the result of slavery and the war – is the same but… WILL FEEL ENTIRELY DIFFERENT when you look through this kaleidoscope of reframed history. Forget all those Comic book Multiverses… and welcome to THE BYER-VERSE!. With a cast of strong multi-dimensional characters that not only weave the story of the Blue and Gray and the disparity between Black and White… but a thought-provoking, incredible work of alternate history – that will spin your perspective by alternating… one simple concept.

Toni Goode

The Made in Heaven Trilogy

It will be very obvious after absorbing the first several chapters of Toni Goode’s Whispers of Immortality, that this author’s passion for writing is an integral part of her storytelling. The saga of Finn, a Norseman vampire, transcending to the afterlife and finding an ultimate love pairing that he cannot sustain, pivots to a modern story of Olivia and her deeply driven journey to discover the purpose of her existence. Fans of ‘True Blood’ will enjoy this book and appreciate it’s supernatural characters, attempting to make strides toward acceptance by the mortal world. Finn embodies the complex nature of those immortals who might exploit humans with the powers of the mind and attempt to minimize the horror show. And while this story’s focus is not on blood baths – the darker aspects of what motivates Finn and how he operates.. will keep you on the edge of your seat. And fear not.. or fear, if you must! There is a climactic twist that keeps this story’s blood.… flowing.

Shana Congrove

The Breedline Series

There is truly something for everybody in Shana Congrove’s Sins of Chaos, part of the Breedline series. My advice to the reader.. is to put some time aside for this novel because once you get to a certain point in this book? You will be unable to put it down. The adventure and the journey are captivating. The author’s descriptive talents will paint a picture of this narrative, with a bountiful and diverse group of characters that range from everyday cops on the beat.. to Lucifer himself. When I tell you that there’s something for everybody - It has romance, mystery, horror, fantasy.. it has a story arc in the paranormal world as several characters, Sebastian and Abbey, deal with past terrors that were inflicted upon them. We get loving and dysfunctional family relationships, a couple of witty angels, comradery, friendship, several incredibly sensual moments, and tense erotic encounters, all highlighted by the pivots between human emotion and the chaotic ‘Breedline’ transitions I am most impressed with Shana’s talent for projecting various human personalities onto supernatural characters. Something that isn’t always done in this genre. And of course… There is a non-stop, roller coaster, multi-dimensional stream of action adventure that climaxes with the ultimate battle between good and evil. This led me to conclude that If fantasy characters are real… a connection to heaven, also reliant on our imagination… is potentially real in the same world.

Andy Savana

An American Phoenix: Unity

SQQUUAWWWW! Strap Yourself In Readers, Because once you get to the halfway mark of this action-packed adventure.. you’ll be unable to put it down. Set in what I surmise is a near-future, post-second pandemic, dystopian experiment by the City of Houston, Texas, Andy Savana has given us several thought-provoking conversations. First, a scenario that fosters social change resulting from the unification of our political extremes.. with everyone fighting for the freedom to voice their ideals. At the same time, it reflects on the personal struggles of ordinary people who are drawn into political battles in order to compensate for gaps or losses in their own personal journeys. And then... there is the Phoenix. An incredible piece of .. very flawed technology designed to overstep normal means of law enforcement and put a few dollars in the pockets of its creator. Rest assured, whenever that Squaaaaawww hits your page? You are going... to hear it! And things are going to get chaotic! I like stories with lots of characters. And this one hits the mark. The characters are multi-dimensional, and Mr. Savana truly throws in a cross-section of American personalities from every end of the racial, social, and political spectrum. There is a relevant, underlying theme that takes a long hard look at what is transforming our socio-political landscape today, and I applaud Andy for giving us a fun, action thrill ride.. that also makes us think.

Corina Purcăreanu

Finding Myself Trilogy

Finding Myself by Corina P is a captivating, seductive, and intense journey exposing the thin lines between intimacy, romance, and lust. It is an intriguing story of two young people whose lives unexpectedly intersect during their own personal struggles for identity. Polo is an established celebrity who has made a name for himself as an actor. Olivia is a bit younger – attending college in a society removed from her native Romania. Both are living in Barcelona and are on the rebound from very toxic relationships. The most incredible piece of this reading experience is feeling the emotional journey of these two people. On the surface, it appears that their relationship is that of a romantic fairy tale… however, there is more going on in the hearts and minds of these two and while they seem to be forging their own adventure as a couple… the pathways to their identity crisis are revealed – ultimately allowing both the highs and lows of their time together to open them to new directions.

 Latest Tiktok video features the members of the Lunchroom Gang as featured in all three volumes of the Good Vibe Trilogy.

visit more on Tiktok @KayceeEvans77